This hearing begins with Opening Statements from the witnesses. Thank you director. You are now recognize to give your statement for five minutes spent thank you chairman cummings and Ranking Member jordan and members of the committee. I am the Deputy Assistant director leading Information Services branch with the fbi criminal justice Information Services division. Thank you for the opportunity to appear before the committee to testify today with the fbi use a facial recognition for Law Enforcement purposes it is crucial authorize numbers of the communities have access to todays Biometric Technology to investigate and identify to prosecute terrorists and criminals. The fbi nextgeneration Identification System which includes facial recognition aids in our ability across the country facial recognition is an investigative tool to greatly enhance Law Enforcement capabilities to protect Public Safety. As the fbi it is crucial to protect the Civil Liberties of the American People as part of
Go to cspan. Org. Click the series tab. Take you live to the floor of the house gaveling in for legislative business in just a moment. 15 bills on the agenda, including a resolution of support for proteverts in iran. Most of the bills today dealing with Homeland Security and Foreign Affairs. The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Lord our god, we give you thanks for giving us another year. At the beginning of this new session, surround us with your holy spirit, encompass with your power all the walls and the dome of this building, truly a symbol to the world of inalienable rights and the free tom of people. Guide and protect your elected servants in government and all who work in this place. May all who visit here be treated with respect and kindness. May the comings and goings of your people be under the seal of your loving care and may all our work be done for your greater honor and glory, amen.
Have jim fong and we have edgar right here and then i think that is all that is here tonight. So the board wants to thank you for your work. Thank you very much. Thank you. So, as i was saying we have had a number of Program Managers that are part of managing the funds here, and we are really appreciative of all of the work that they have done to present the material to us and we have at times in the past presentations from them and we had written reports from them this year and the first area that i want to talk about is professional development and this is an area that we as an Oversight Committee are trying to understand better and where the funds fit into the Bigger Picture for the professional support, and as you know there were budget cuts a few years ago where the state funding for professional development was it was flexed and so there more funding that paid for the three days of professional development and so essentially qta took over those three days and this year, back for
Okay, excuse me. Excuse me. We would now like to start our meeting thank you very much. The regular meeting of the board of education, i dont want to have to clear this room so we can start our meeting. We have a lot of public speakers signed up today. We have a couple of awards also to be awarded. And i would expect you to be respectful to your colleagues, who are getting rewards. So, the regular meeting of the San Francisco board of education is now called to order. For april 22nd, 2014. Roll call please . Thank you mr. Haney . Here. Miss maufas . Miss mendoza mcdonald. Mubarak. Here. Wynns. Here. Fewer. Present. Miss wei. Here. And mr. Logan. Here. Thank you. Please, join me in the pledge after lee begans. Pledge of allegiance. Okay. I am going to ask you one last time, please, the meeting has been called to order. Approval of the board minutes. Can i have a motion. Can i have a motion and a second please . Move to adopt. Second. And thank you, roll call vote, please . Wei . Yes. Lo
Speakers signed up today. We have a couple of awards also to be awarded. And i would expect you to be respectful to your colleagues, who are getting rewards. So, the regular meeting of the San Francisco board of education is now called to order. For april 22nd, 2014. Roll call please . Thank you mr. Haney . Here. Miss maufas . Miss mendoza mcdonald. Mubarak. Here. Wynns. Here. Fewer. Present. Miss wei. Here. And mr. Logan. Here. Thank you. Please, join me in the pledge after lee begans. Pledge of allegiance. Okay. I am going to ask you one last time, please, the meeting has been called to order. Approval of the board minutes. Can i have a motion. Can i have a motion and a second please . Move to adopt. Second. And thank you, roll call vote, please . Wei . Yes. Logan . Yes. I abstain. Mr. Haney. Yes. Maufas, mike leeds. Yes. Mubarak. Aye. Wynns. Fewer. Aye. Six ayes. Item b, presentation to the board of education, the superintendants report. Instead of sharing superintendant thoughts fo