At about 11am on bank holiday Monday, air traffic controllers started calling airlines to tell them that all take-offs were cancelled until further notice after
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I READ with some interest an article about airport expansion at Leeds Bradford Airport (LBA) submitted by Nick Smith in this week’s Ilkley Gazette. I understand his frustrations about the consultation, as do many others who live in Burley in Wharfedale and Menston. I sit on the Airport Consultancy Committee (ACC), alongside our elected representatives, and can answer Nick s questions first hand. In January 2020, I asked our local councillors to ask Bradford Council (BDMC) to consider their response to planned changes at LBA. I also requested a local consultation by Bradford Council. Councillor Jackie Whiteley made representations on my behalf at BDMC. To put things plainly, the answer received by Councillor Whiteley from BDMC was that, Bradford Council do not have a duty to consult on this application, as the planning application is in the responsibility of the adjacent authority in Leeds. I thought that community engagement would be high on the Council s agenda, clearly