About 35 states have enacted some form of "stand your ground" laws — or expanded "castle doctrine" laws — in the decade following Traymon Martin's shooting death.
there is also legislation that supports another ring right? it seems like stand-your-ground, we stated stats in the previous segmen about how disproportionately black victims are treated or shall i say, white shooters ar treated under the law when the execute or try and execute black victims as compared to the inverse, which is blac shooters and white victims. do you think that the explicitl racial outcome of laws lik stand-your-ground, that that rachel outcome is actually the point of stand your ground laws, that have been adopted by 30 states in this country well, it is part of the effort of the gun industry t make people feel empowered b having guns in their hands and to feel as if they are protected in that castle. this was an example of a young ma who rang a doorbell, the doo was closed, there was no president and clear danger here is young man who simply lost his way and an 84-year-ol behind his door had no reaso to believe this life was under