6-5, ruled there was appropriate class certification for this very large group. they believed based on 120 affidavits that it was possibly they could prove in court women were not promoted because they were women. some women said they couldn t be promoted if they couldn t lift a 50-pound bag of dog food to a management position. the bigger issue is that we know there is a glass ceiling for women. perhaps at walmart, perhaps not. certainly across the united states women are still grouped in the lowest lef levels of employment where we re doing pretty well but in the upperer lo echelons we re still not represented appropriately. i think the company does a lot of things. it s one of the few companies that really moves the needle on conserving energy, made lots of things much more affordable for americans and increased the stand car of living for a lot of people. you guys have paid out a lot of money for sex discrimination lawsuits in the last decade or so. what s the best way to do this