Troy Lyn Hannemann, age 49 of Las Vegas, passed away Tuesday Feb. 13, 2024 at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas.
A non-denominational Celebration of Life will be held at noon, Saturday March 16, 2024, at La Paloma Chapel.
John L. Smith
The law has pursued sports bettor Billy Walters for more than 25 years. Is the gambler s uncanny luck about to run out?
IN HIS DARK SLACKS and a red golf shirt, Billy Walters looked like he might have just finished a round at his flashy Bali Hai course on the south Strip. But he wasn’t strolling toward the clubhouse on May 19. He was seated, under arrest, amid a row of less impeccably dressed defendants, all waiting their turn to hear their charges read in U.S. Magistrate Judge George Foley Jr.’s packed courtroom. The confidence and color drained from his face, his white hair disheveled, Walters appeared to have taken a punch in the stomach. It was a pain in the gut he’d felt before.