I extracted the water footsteps sound from Military Footsteps by YungPr1nce. I hated how running through a river sounded like you were going through a 2cm puddle.
Rostok has gotten a small overhaul. When General Voronin dies, the Duty faction will be obliterated, and Duty spawns will cease in several places. Visitors to the bar and guards have been added. Mutants spawning chances have been reduced. Included sound.
Darkvalley, when bandit leader Sultan dies, bandit spawns will cease, the factory will be deserted and replaced with weaker mutants. Darkscape, military now has a checkpoint at the gas station, and a helicopter now patrol and observe the airspace. Both.
Devices of Anomaly Redone or DAR for short is a full remodel and reanimation of all the S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Anomaly devices. It includes lots of new little features, upgrades and bug fixes to the many devices. Diolator has been working with me for months.