the also landed hits with a cover version clint he kicked off this. did charge small when i never thought i d be in the chunks clar i wanted to make music and fill dance till it s when i started out as d.j. vocal teach a whole. or does it i never imagine it s putting on gigantic shows and huge arenas to see me smile on their butts. the day the fly to la bureau dance slowly faded away and many of its stars disappears but d.j. bobo remain. handy celebrated his twenty fifth stage jubilee with his mr oriel tour. i. led d.j.
the also landed hits with a cover version. ok he kicked off this. dick chalk small town in i never thought i d be the chocks claw i wanted to make music and fill dance till it s when i started out as d.j. will on the buses i never imagined putting on gigantic shows and huge arenas to see me smile on their butts. till. the day that i am a. euro dance slowly faded away and many of its stars disappears but d.j. bobo remains. manager and then he celebrated his twenty fifth stage jubilee with his mr oriel tour. i. led d.j.