but again, juan, you talked about when the russians got in, they got in with all, with both feet in, all in. they went all in. so did the french. but we ve been doing this. why do you, why do you always say america is not doing enough? americans took the lead. let s listen to this guy when it comes to defeating isis, many believe we must put troops on the ground in syria to succeed, but general petraeus isn t among them. he warns against that idea. i would not at this point. i think if we are required there to clear and hold an area, it s not sustainable. you need to have a hold force that has legitimacy in the eyes of the people. that has to be sunni arab forces in iran it cannot be american forces. it should not be, not a this stage gh stage. what do you think, dana? i think what he s saying no, that doesn t make sense. 16 months into the fight when we re, 15 bombings a day