CARROLLTOWN The Cambria County Commissioners on Thursday unanimously reinstated Act 89, a program allowing counties to impose $5 fees on vehicle registrations to fund infrastructure repairs and replacements. President Commissioner Scott Hunt said Act 89 raises about $700,000 annually. The money has been used in the past to restore 10 structurally deficient county bridges, […]
JOHNSTOWN While the big mills employing hundreds of people are long gone, the age-old craft of forging hot metal into tools and works of art lives on in the historic Cambria Iron and Steel complex, where the Center for Metal Arts occupies five buildings and brings in students from around the world. The center, […]
TYRONE “Tough times don’t always last, but together, tough people can,” Hayden Zook told parents during a suicide prevention awareness program at the Tyrone Area High School. Zook and Marisa Vicere, president and founder of the Jana Marie Foundation, were the keynote speakers for the second presentation of the district’s parent awareness series. Suicide […]
EBENSBURG Lt. Gov. Austin Davis visited Cambria County on Friday to announce a $50,000 grant for the borough through the Keystone Communities program and to highlight a proposed $25 million investment in the Main Street Matters program to revitalize downtown business districts. He said the grant will help facilitate improvements for roughly 17 downtown […]
Public outcry over a racially insensitive incident in the Altoona Area School District brought many to a school board meeting Monday night. On Jan. 18, two Altoona Area High School teachers reportedly admitted to using school resources to print out and hang up images of student Dustin Shields’ school ID photo and an asparagus-looking cartoon […]