Project based TIFs would expand rural redevelopment
The Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs is considering S.33, a bill that would allow more towns to apply for project-based tax increment financing. TIFs allow municipal governments to fund new private infrastructure projects through the anticipated tax revenue that results from the new projects.
S.33 would create a pilot program limited to six projects with a $1.5 million cap per application. This bill was considered last year with a higher limit but was lowered to get the support of the Senate Finance Committee chair. Witnesses testified this week in favor of increasing the cap to at least $4 million.
Dispatches senior officials to address immediate needs; requests performance audit from State Auditor; appoints new deputy commissioner Montpelier, Vt. - Governor Phil Scott today took additional actions to address and correct the tax form errors announced by the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) on Monday. Specifically, the Governor has dispatched two senior-level tactical response teams to VDOL to expedite the response to the 1099-G tax form errors; asked State Auditor Doug Hoffer to conduct a performance audit to identify the root cause of the error and provide recommendations for long-term quality control improvements; and he has appointed a new deputy commissioner to help lead the department.
Dispatches senior officials to address immediate needs; requests performance audit from State Auditor; appoints new deputy commissioner
Vermont Business Magazine Governor Phil Scott on Wednesday took additional actions to address and correct the tax form errors announced by the Vermont Department of Labor on Monday.
Specifically, the governor has dispatched two senior-level tactical response teams to VDOL to expedite the response to the 1099-G tax form errors; asked State Auditor Doug Hoffer to conduct a performance audit to identify the root cause of the error and provide recommendations for long-term quality control improvements; and he has appointed a new deputy commissioner to help lead the department.