LOWELL In a story ripped from the script of the cult classic movie “The Blob,” teachers at the Pawtucketville Memorial Elementary School told the School Committee during its Wednesday night meeting that mold at the school is growing on furniture, books, ceilings, cubbies and supplies.
Lowell’s election results demonstrated the advantage of incumbency, especially when so few voters bother to cast a ballot. It also marked a setback for the aspirations of what can be generally viewed as the new breed of city politicians, who failed to win either an additional City Council or School Committee seat.
LOWELL In the only contested race for the Lowell School Committee, newcomer Fred Bahou was the winner, topping incumbent Stacey Thompson for the District 1 seat.
BY TUESDAY at 8 p.m., when the polls close in Lowell, the 2023 election for the City Council and School Committee races will be over, and a new era of governing in the city will begin in January 2024.