A man accused of stealing a family member s car was arrested Tuesday morning after leading police on a brief pursuit through Adams, hitting another vehicle, and crashing outside St. Stanislaus
Catholics in Adams and Cheshire are feeling a sense of relief, as they reflect on a former administrator s tenure and abrupt departure. Several parishioners say that even before the Rev.
A new permanent administrator will guide Catholic churches in Adams and Cheshire and their former lead priest, the Rev. Barrent Pease, is out. Bishop William D. Byrne announced the
A priest’s warning that building needs might force the closing of the St. Stanislaus Kostka Church in Adams set the phones ringing at the parochial school next door. “People were
The Springfield Diocese has reversed a plan to dedicate this week s Midnight Mass at an Adams church to the cause of converting Jews to Christianity. A parishioner spoke up