By Suzanne Pender HOPES are high that Carlow town can build on the success of this year’s St Patrick’s Day Festival and make 2023 bigger and better than ever!
Nobody would have ever believed this time last year that we would be here again with St Patrick s day celebrations cancelled in the face of the pandemic.
However, this year the Killarney St Patrick s day festival committee are prepared for the challenge and have launched a successful virtual festival that has brightened up the town.
Taking pride of place amongst the efforts of the town is an artistic exhibition at St Mary s Church of Ireland which has unite the postponed 2020 fesitval and the virtiual 2021 festival. In advance of the festival last year, just before Covid-19 called a halt to proceedings, the festival committee had organised various workshops with community artist Sophie Lodge
A stunning video showcasing Killarney s fascinating history, lore and legend has been produced as part of this year s unique virtual St Patrick s Festival in the town.
Chronicling the monasticism and ecclesiastical heritage of the town and its surroundings, from the arrival of the monks on Innisfallen Island to the building of the landmark St Mary s Cathedral, the production will be beamed into homes all over the world as Killarney marks the national feast day in a very special way.
In the absence of the colourful parade and street celebrations that have traditionally made Killarney a must-visit town on March 17, the St Patrick s Festival Committee has opted for a virtual celebration to allow people everywhere to celebrate the town, its history and its people.