Appeal for volunteers to help with coronavirus vaccinations in St Mary s Medical Centre in Wharf Road, Stamford
| Updated: 17:34, 02 February 2021
More volunteers are urgently needed to help with the roll out of the Covid-19 vaccinations in Stamford.
Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service, on behalf of Four Counties Primary Care Network, is appealing for people to support the vaccination programme being delivered from St Maryâs Medical Centre in Wharf Road.
Roles needing to be filled include a car park marshal to greet arrivals and manage queues, and an observation volunteer, who will sanitise areas after each person and watch over people who have just had their jab.
Car park management system will be introduced at Sheepmarket Surgery in Stamford as car park at St Mary s Surgery closes to all but blue badge holders because of vaccines
| Updated: 17:15, 22 January 2021
A private firm is being brought in to run the car park at Sheepmarket Surgery in Stamford in the middle of February, and only blue badge holders will be able to park at St Mary s Medical Centre.
Lakeside undertook an audit between September and November, which found that a significant proportion of Sheepmarket Surgery car parking spaces are used on a regular basis by vehicles that do not belong to our patients .
A map released by NHS England shows the areas of Lincolnshire which are currently within 10 miles of a coronavirus vaccination centre and there are some big gaps in our area.