FOUR men who were listed as persons of interest by the St Catherine South Police Division on Friday for the attack and stabbing of a male student of Cumberland High School in Portmore, St Catherin.
ST CATHERINE, Jamaica - Two people were shot and killed while nine others are suffering from gunshot wounds during separate incidents across the St Catherine South Police Division on Friday as the are.
DIRECTOR of the Island Traffic Authority (ITA) Kenute Hare is urging traffic cops to slap multiple charges on people transporting children unrestrained.
"Most traffic tickets are written for seat.
No one was arrested in relation to the seizure - File photo.
Cops attached to the St Catherine South Police Division on Monday seized a nine millimetre Glock pistol with a magazine containing eighteen 9mm rounds of ammunition during a joint police-military operation on Big Lane in Central Village. The police report that about 12:45 p.m., personnel were in the area when an abandoned building was searched and the illegal weapon and ammunition were found inside. No one was arrested in relation to the seizure.
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