Forty-six years after the founding of Jose Marti Technical High School, in 1977, its past students are committing to maintain the best traditions of the school, which was a gift from the government and people of Cuba. Speaking at the 14th.
The bloodletting continues in Spanish Town, St Catherine with two men being gunned down along Jobs Lane this morning. They have been identified by the police as 'Nine Head' and 'Big Back'. It is reported that about 8 o'clock.
WITH 1,121 cases of domestic violence and 12 murders emanating from domestic disputes in the St Catherine North Police Division last year, Deputy Superintendent of Police Jacqueline Dillon says co.
Kevon McCallum, who is alleged to be a reputed member of the ‘Blackman’ faction of the Klansman Gang in St Catherine, was on Friday freed of gun related charges in the Home Circuit Court.
He was acqui.
SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Westmoreland This parish's top cop is attributing last year's sharp drop in murders in southern Savanna-la-Mar to the effectiveness of a zone of special operation (ZOSO) rolled o.