The leading UCB from Andhra Pradesh AP Mahesh Urban Cooperative Bank is going to elect a new Board this Sunday. The heat of elections has picked up with the two Panels led by Ramesh Bung and Bhagwati Baldewa trading unsavoury charges against each other.
These panels namely Sansthapak Panel and Founder Panel headed by Ramesh Bung, and Bhagwati Baldewa respectively have fielded 15-15 candidates each. For the 15 posts of board members, 35 candidates are contesting the election in total. The election is scheduled for 20th December 2020.
With the announcement of the final list, Bhagwati Baldewa is accusing Ramesh Bung and his associates of indulging into various wrong doings. One of her charges is that Bung made money in the construction of the bank’s headquarters at Banjara Hills.