Zee Telugu, one of the leading GECs in the Telugu states, has been bringing best of entertainment experiences to its audiences year on year. This December, the channel is upping its ante by announcing the world television premiere of Karuna Kumar’s romantic action drama ‘Sridevi Soda Center’. The movie stars Sudheer Babu and Anandhi in the lead roles and will premiere on
After scoring a decent hit with Akhil Akkineni's Most Eligible Bachelor, GA2 Pictures announced their new project. GA2's new production venture will be directed by Karuna Kumar who previously helmed Palasa and Sridevi Soda Center. GA2 Picture - Karuna Kumar project will have Priyadarshi, Anjali, and Rao Ramesh in the lead roles. This project is tentatively titled GA2
case will file against Sudheer Babu for an attempt to murder. When Sudheer Babu tries to compromise with him.Then, the judge got to know that the victim has been dead. The court will Sudheer Babu to take them back into custody. Sridevi will be waiting for him at the bus stop as her father (Naresh) doesn't love Inter caste marriage. How he comes out of jail? How he convinces
Updated Apr 27, 2021, 8:36 pm IST
Actor Sudheer Babu excited about his role in his forthcoming film, Sridevi Soda Centre
Sudheer Babu
Actor Sudheer Babu is staying home and trying to be optimistic amidst the current pandemic scenario. “The situation is so grim and extremely scary. I was not at all prepared for the second wave; nobody was, for that matter,” says Sudheer.
He was busy shooting till the second wave brought work to a standstill. “I believe these tough times will end soon and the key is to stay focused and positive,” the actor says. “Doctors are aware of how to treat the disease, plus we have vaccines, etc., so I am praying that this grim situation will end quickly,” he shares.