By Hiran H.Senewiratne
Melstacorp shares started trading at Rs. 47.60 at the CSE yesterday and at the end of the day they moved up to Rs. 49.90. Meanwhile, shares in healthcare sector counters also appreciated when the government reportedly began discussing with private hospitals the possibility of treating Covid -19 patients in their institutions.
Consequently, share prices in several listed private hospitals moved up. Asiri Hospital shares moved up by 20 percent. They moved up from Rs. 26.40 to Rs. 29.20, which was a Rs. 2.80 appreciation, Asiri Surgical shares moved up by Rs. 2.10 or 14 percent. Its shares moved from Rs. 15 to Rs. 17.10, Lanka Hospital shares moved up by seven percent or Rs. 3.10; they moved to Rs. 48.10 from Rs. 45 and Nawaloka Hospitals shares moved up by 11 percent or 60 cents. They rose to Rs. 6.20 from Rs. 5.60.
Hemas Hospitals Chairman Murtaza Esufally
ASEAN Forensic and Integrity Services Leader Ramesh Moosa
Ernst & Young Partner Hiranthi Fonseka
The Sri Lanka Institute of Directors (SLID), in collaboration with its knowledge sharing partner Ernst & Young (EY), held a timely webinar discussion recently on ‘The Integrity Agenda – the heightened role of boards’. The session focused on how directors could steer their companies with integrity in the current environment.
The panel comprised of Sunil Wijesinha, Chairman of United Motors PLC, Watawala Plantations PLC and RIL Property PLC, Murtaza Esufally, Chairman of Hemas Hospitals, Hemas Pharmaceuticals, Managing Director of Morison PLC and Non-Executive Chairman of the Centre for Poverty Analysis with Hiranthi Fonseka, Partner of Ernst & Young as the moderator. The keynote presentation was made by EY’s ASEAN Forensic and Integrity Services Leader Ramesh Moosa. The webinar was an initiative taken by the Institute’s INED Forum