Ceylinco Life policyholders received a mammoth Rs 18.9 billion in net claims and benefits in 2022, as the Company achieved its 19th consecutive year of market leadership in Sri Lanka’s life insurance sector with gross written premium income of Rs 29.16 billion for the 12 months ending 31 st December
Ekva LLC, a US company with strong Sri Lankan roots spearheaded by Amith Boteju, CEO will be in Sri Lanka to find promising startups in any industry for the company’s accelerator.
“We aim to invest and guide promising startups to build sustainable businesses and raise funds. Selected startups wil
March 19, 2023 (LBO) - I was born and schooled in the United States. In a very unlikely scenario, I ended up marrying a Sri Lankan, having a family, and settling down in Sri Lanka. In another unlikely scenario, I decided to send my boys to S. Thomas' Preparatory school as opposed to international sc
Last week, the largest capacity crawler crane in Sri Lanka was unloaded at Hambantota International Port. The crane, with a 750-ton lifting capacity, will be initially used for Hiruras Wind Power Project in Mannar. The German built Liebherr brand crane was being used in Japan and has now been import
Seylan Bank recently announced the opening of an Indian Rupee (INR) Nostro account with Indian Bank, Mumbai. This development will allow importers and exporters in the two countries to carry out trade transactions in a mutually beneficial manner.
The move follows the recent declaration by the Cen