A refresher course on what actually makes a Mary Sue, the history of the term, and how men online have ruined it with their misogyny. Take it from us, we're the experts.
Star Wars star Daisy Ridley says Baby Yoda has an advantage over her
Sun Mar 07, 2021 at 9:50am ET
Daisy Ridley didn’t have it easy when she was portraying Rey in the Star Wars sequels.
Complaints about Rey in Star Wars
Trolls called Rey a “Mary Sue,” which was a term to indicate she was given power without earning it just because she was a female character.
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It was the same simple minded statements that chased Kelly Marie Tran off Twitter.
It is a terrible statement because Luke Skywalker went from being a farmhand to a Jedi warrior who could pilot a ship and destroy a Death Star. Rey was a self-sufficient character who fought her entire life just to survive before becoming a Jedi Warrior.