In the 12th week of Bigg Boss Telugu 5, the show makers planned a family round and boosted the contestants' confidence. Still now, Maanas, kajal, Sree Ramachandra, and Siri Hanumanth family members entered the glasshouse. As per sources, Deepthi Sunaina will enter the house on Saturday. Deepthi warns Shannu indirectly over the relationship with Siri and asks him to focus on
With Jessie's eviction, 'Bigg Boss Telugu 5' has VJ Sunny, RJ Kajal, Manas, Siri, Shanmukh, Priyanka Singh, anchor Ravi, singer Sree Ramachandra, and Anne Master left in the race for the title.
Bigg Boss 5 Telugu: VJ Sunny, Manas, and Kajal emerged as the best performers this week, as per the audience s opinions on social media. With only eight contestants on the show, the inmates are to fight for their places in the coming weeks.
With Jessie s eviction, Bigg Boss Telugu 5 has VJ Sunny, RJ Kajal, Manas, Siri, Shanmukh, Priyanka Singh, anchor Ravi, singer Sree Ramachandra, and Anne Master left in the race for the title.As Sunday s episode is to witness another .