against this, they are labeled a racist. everyone is so afraid of being labeled a racist. they have the power then. it is the alt-left, mobs like this that have the power, then and hold the power. also hold the mainstream media accountable for that, as well. the mainstream media needs to come out and say, this is crap. until they do that, groups like this feel justified and validated. when people become fearless to stand up, that is when this stuff will end. tucker: i agree with that completely. i wonder how long it will be a until the mob comes for them, since the revolution always eats itself? [laughs] i mean, seriously. you really think you get a pass by nodding in agreement with the mob? you never do. s r no, of course not. w these individuals, they claim to be sticking up for civil rights, they claim to be social justice warriors, and they act like this? i mean, that video that has been posted on youtube is appalling. can you imagine being a parent right now, ready to send you