be next. quickly it s the carotid arteries that your doctor should do both of them. my father had a stroke, tia on the bus and one of the carotid arteries totally blocked and fell down to the floor, like oh, my god. your doctor, we point that out about taking a pulse last week. a doctor can literally listen to these arteries for a squishing sound. that s a sound of a blockage or send you for a crotied doppler and tell you there s a blockaged and surgically can fix it. how do you know if you ve had x number of tia experiences, how do you know that the next one could be the big one? is is there a certain number? you really don t know and if you have had or are being diagnosed with tia you should be under the care of neurologists and doctors. as marc mentioned, if you have any kind of thrombosis or cloth or atherosclerosis in the artery surgely treat it and sometimes even after surgery sometimes can send an emboli or blood clot to
they aren t. it is only happening during the musical in london and not during the queen concert tour. people appeared with larry king and they didn t think it was creepy. yes, they did. that s the great thing of having a hologram with larry king. no fartherring. no squishing sound. the technology is not there to perfectly replicate the suspenders. true. it looks like it is part of them. it is bad. i want to talk about this crazy homophobic woman. you marveled at how organized she was. actually i am going to be suing her for plagiarism. all she did was read my pamphlets and replace the word jew with gay every time. i knew it is sounded familiar. this is not cool. bobbie, you said two guys