The blues-rocker shares the story of his decade-long search for a 1960 Les Paul, why his Marshall amps just wouldn’t stop blowing up, and what made him convert to the single-cut after decades of Strat
Musician and YouTuber Matthew Scott plans to try and restore the battered instrument to its former glory. But, as his latest video shows, he s got his work cut out
Leilani Kilgore s dream was to ring out power chords on the Warped Tour. Then she studied the blues greats and started to “take the guitar seriously… as a means of conversation rather than just shouti
The California math-rock dynamos write songs that are “simultaneously challenging, creative, and audibly pleasing – or shocking”: Aric Garcia and Shane Gann explain how their Double Dragon-inspired gu
Clips of the While She Sleeps guitarist’s experimental pitch-shifting approach have had over 2 million views. As he tells us: “It allows me to create things that sound impossible”