before july 2016. the lie that the fbi has been telling us the counter investigation began in july 2016, we know that is not true. in fact in the ig report and nobody talked about this. i thought this was stunning. in the ig report, it says christopher steele was hired by fusing gps in may of 2016. may 2016. sean: hold up, this was kimberley strassel s fine last week. and i honed in on it as well. they are saying the official investigation began july 3031. we we know that didn t happen because carter page was invitedn cambridge and george papadopoulos was told go to rome, meet this guy joseph and he dropped a bomb that russia had hillary clinton s email. that was in april 2016. so there was a lot of informants informants, the same informant spies that have worked with the fbi and cia for years. western intel. those are the spies we are
president. there were numerous warnings he had not to use this information and subsequent renewals submitted by comey omitted primary sub source, the sub source, the only source not even a source. he described his own evidence as the rumors hearsay speculation accrued bar joke. and admitted the sub source even questions steele credibility. wow and he admitted steele doubted the sub horse. and street applied, straight up lied about carter page and his connection to the cia. one of comey s lawyers change the document to remove the fact that page, well, was a source for the cia but instead said was not a source. remember, comey told us all in the claims of fisa abuse was just utter nonsense. this is a lie what we are about to show you. look.
it, bulk of the fisa application deals with the dossier. why? that is not my recollection, brett. i don t know if the fisa application was released. my recollection was it was part of mosaic facts that were laid before the fisa judge to obtain a fisa warrant. there was a lot more than the dossier and fisa application? meant additional material about page and why an age in a foreign power. and the dossier was part of that, but was not a lipid or a critical part of it to my recollection. sean: a critical part, basically it was everything. another lie. the inspector general finding the dirty dossier was that the central and east central essential piece of the fisa application. just like any liar, he comey cannot come to truth. you don t see a difference of a broader mosaic and played an
utterly destroyed come illegally spied on, civil liberties violated, his civil rights didn t exist, constitutional rights, nonexistent. op-ed by law professor with and truly an to carter page details the reckless nonstop smear of a private citizen all because of comey s fraudulent fisa application. let s not forget about attorney general michael flynn and what he did to a 33 year veteran. as part of comey s deceitful investigation, what did he do? he brags, first to andrew mccabe, no you don t need a lawyer. but he brags, james comey breads and sets up an american war hero. i would never do this or try this and the bush or obama years. i wouldn t ever do that, watch this. you look at this white house now and it is hard to imagine the fbi agents but how did that happen? i sent them. [laughter]
running into community but if they could who remotely attached to the trump campaign as you said earlier just to get a window into a trump strategy. so the lies are real. people will be prosecuted, and you are looking at crimes not only against carter page, but against a sitting president, duly elected as you said. sean: it is also really amazing to me and all of this is that there were a few of us that were right. and fox business network and you are here on weekends with us on the fox news channel, but it was you, lou dobbs, stuart varney mall three have done a phenomenal job in exposing this. where is the rest of our colleagues in the so-called media here? i think this is a really important point because the left wing media has become an attachment in arm of the democratic party. i have been saying now for several years, it anybody on either side of the aisle has to be outraged by this. because you have people in positions of power putting their