sorvellists too. ainsley: some are saying he should run as an independent and run against her. i don t know if he came out and said that s the case but that was the rumor. steve: a lot going on. gizelleian joins us now with headlines. jillian: still following the wildfires out west. get you caught up on what s going on there wildfires are growing by the hour across northern california. the fires which erupted one week ago, taking six lives including two firefighters. we just learned the name of the second. brian hughes, losing his life near yosemite national park. a along with a woman and two great grandchildren. tens of thousands of people forced to flee their homes to safety. sacramento bee two people suspected of looting evacuated homes were arrested. desiree facing first degree murder charges. adam miller died a week after being shot in the head responding to an armed robbery.
coming at it from their own bias. so it just gets noisy. democrats take aim at the booming economy. president trump is going to take a lot of credit for these good numbers. don t believe him. the democrats, all they have is trump derangement syndrome and they don t want to talk about all the great things this president is doing. >he has completely exposed him for the democrat hactivits they are. it s to their complete detriment shaking my head like a billy goat going to rock going to rock going to rock the boat. steve: hi, everybody. ainsley: good morning. happy monday. steve: 30th day of july. it s my daughter sally s byrd: it birthday.she was bornn virginia. ainsley: do you remember that day? steve: i do indeed. ainsley: one of the best days of your life.
has gone so far to the right that. so things that candidates like alexandria ocasio-cortez are calling for i think democrats really should consider doubling down on their base. the broadest context, what she is part is of not just a progressive weave. wave, peak wave. a lot of that gets to the women in this election. pete: a lot of talk of wave he is, the future of the democratic party is socialism in this new socialist from the bronx. if you actually look at voter turnout in the bronx on june 24th that primary that put her in the forefront, have you got over 200,000 registered democrats there. but only 27,000 actually came out to vote. that s a 13% voter turnout rate. i m not a matt m mathematician. absolute wave for socialism. ainsley: if you lived in that area and don t like the
i work with your mom and brian s mom to perfect your favorite recipes. ainsley: my mom was put a little bit of this and little bit that i need precise measurements. and this cookbook has got to come out because all of us are gaining a lot of weight. he tests the food. he and cathy make them in their kitchen. steve: i brought in cookies today because today is sally doocy s birthday. pete: you have a passion for food. steve: i do indeed. coming out in october. ainsley: lots of famous people in this book. don t have you her famous pecan pai? steve: i have it in there. i will reveal a secret when the book comes out how she crushes those pecans. something so unique. abstutley. ainsley: congratulations by the way. steve: dan bongino is in florida. former secret service guy.