Kawartha Conservation has launched the return of its much-anticipated Native Plant Sale, featuring an exciting lineup of low-cost kits designed to invigorate any garden.
Many home gardeners are interested in how to maintain an attractive landscape without a lot of external inputs. This emphasis on developing a more biodiverse, pollinator-friendly, “sustainable landscape” has been
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Botanical garden brings the buzz to the Athens community
2 hours ago
A commitment to promoting pollinator plants leads to Bee Campus designation
The buzz around UGA this spring is coming from East Campus Road and Sanford Drive.
That’s where bees, butterflies and other insects are gathering around new pollinator plant beds installed to raise awareness of importance of native plants, as well as draw attention to the university’s recent Bee Campus USA designation.
“Of course we want a beautiful landscape with lots of flowers. We can have that and also support wildlife in a big way,” says Lauren Muller, conservation outreach coordinator for the State Botanical Garden of Georgia. “We want to teach people that even a small garden can make a difference, because we’re connecting patches of habitat throughout urban and suburban areas through which insects and birds can move and find shelter and food.”