in decline, and yet they go after a popular president,identa a president that they got more votes than any sittinguntr president in the history of our country by far. byand then much better the seco time in the election than the first. and they go after hi gm on a bo, his house just like the russia, russia, russia hoax and all of the others. this has been going on for seven years. thing onand they can t stop bece it s election interference aeytv the highest level. there s never been anything like what s happened. i m an innocener bee what t man. and i m an innocent person. they had the mueller hoax, the mueller report an person., t came out. no collusion after two and a half years that was set up by hillary clinton and democrat . but this is what they do.s this is what they dowhaty do so. if they would devote their energies to honesty and integrity, they would be a lot better for our country. they could do a lot better. they could do a lo.t of great oa things. now, on true so
former president and they made the decision and the to interfec this election. you want to talk about an .incorrect. this is an insurrection i and that s exactly what s going on here. let me go og onn. t joe biden is the crooked us crook that s ever been in the oval officthat hase. everywhere we look, there s a predicate for a special counsel. they won t appoint a special counsel, even though it s compellecounsed under the law in which they appointed this special counsel. u are and you re not supposed to appoint a special counsel againsnott your politicale su opponent. you re supposed to appoint one. in the case ofpp biden, 20 shamd corporations, $10 million coming from the communist chinese military spread outly among the family, no businesses to support this endless meetings, endless meetingssiness with with biden, with hunter biden s business partners, bobulinski, who ties joe biden to the crimes.