The central bank is the engine that powers the largest government in history. And things won’t change until people are “generally and radically instructed” as to the cause and consequences.
The Federal Farmer lays out a laundry list of reasons why the system under the constitution “will have a strong tendency to aristocracy, or the government of the few.” Predicting it would ultimately result in a consolidated government ruling by “fear and force.”
Many people believe the Supreme Court “ended asset forfeiture” with its 2019 opinion in Timbs v. Indiana. That’s not only false, but by trying to expand federal power to stop asset forfeiture in the states, they might have made things even worse in the long run.
In the first of his 18 anti-federalist letters, the Federal Farmer warned against adopting a new system hastily out of fear, which has always “been the custom of tyrants and their dependents.” Instead, he urged caution - and a deeper look at what might lead to total consolidation and a destruction of liberty.