Author: Paul Mark TagPublisher: iUniverseISBN:978-1-6632-2226-8 The prospect for a Russian President or American President triggering a nuclear strike on the other is slim, provided they are not deranged. We are aware that both countries maintain their missiles on hair-trigger alert to empower them to launch within minutes of a decision to
Author: Paul Mark TagPublisher: iUniverseISBN:978-1-6632-2226-8 welcomesas our guest, Paul Mark Tag. Paul received multiple degrees in thefield of Meteorology from Pennsylvania State University. He workedfor the Naval Research Laboratory as a research scientist for overthirty years before leaving his job to write fiction full time.In 2002, Tag started hisfirst welcomesas our guest Sandy Graham. Sandy is a dual citizen ofCanada and the United States. He spent 35 years with The BoeingCompany in a variety of engineering and management positions. After retirement, hesatisfied a long-standing urge to delve into creative writing. Sandyhas authored the Pillage Trilogy, The Pizza DoughKing, Murder – On Salt
Author: Kevin G. ChapmanASIN : ‎B09HT232BPThough Kevin G. Chapman’s Perilous Gambit: A Mike Stoneman Thriller unfolds with a homicide of a U.S. Senator in Rapid City, South Dakota on December 22nd 2019, the action, predominantly that follows, is set in Las Vegas, Nevada.The opening scene has Senator Harlan Bushfield III
Author: Helaine MarioPublisher: Oceanview PublishersISBN: 978-1-60809-450-9Imagine for one moment a missing Vincent Van Gogh painting that some unsavory Russian characters would crave to get their hands on? Nothing would stop them from murdering anyone in their path to snatch the artwork? Such is Helaine Mario’s recent thriller, Shadow Music. The