quality control of what? precision machine parts. what did you know about precision machine parts? as much as you do. he is not just bragging, by the way. the scams all really happened, and he never went to jail for them. but then, there was the time that he worked for a company that prints blank government checks. i took em. i put em in my briefcase and cashed one check for $57,000. he got caught that time and was sent to prison. but then, he walked away from his halfway house and into another almost unbelievable scam. you will remember that one of the most consistent elements of jim rowe s various identities was that of an elite military officer, usually a navy s.e.a.l. most of his victims believed him, perhaps because there was a grain of truth in it. rowe did enlist in the army and the navy and even briefly in the marines. though hardly in an elite capacity.
i m a guy that has memories of lotus, spree low lotus espirits that never should have been his in the first place and a girl that has an unfailing love and care for him that is now shattered. that s who i am. and that s why i don t feel very good about me. i hate me. prison has a way of changing your perspective. but could it be that the con man finally found and bared his soul? all for the love of a woman, the woman he almost married? there is a whole lot of lies that i m fessing up to right now that go beyond breaking the law, you know? they go beyond being illegal. they go to immorality, they go to cruelness almost. for my own well being, i have to believe that there is parts of him that are good. that it wasn t all a fake persona.
him. it s been very gratifying to be here in st. george. it is a very special place. like the time jim rowe in a navy s.e.a.l. uniform spoke to a class of high school students about his years in an elite commando unit, about sacrifice and friendship and faith, in a speech arranged by ron nelson. anybody that i served with, i would have gladly laid my life down for. and i can say the same thing for anyone that served with me. or when nelson, whose family is prominent in the mormon church, sponsored jim rowe s baptism. i just trusted jim wholeheartedly. nobody could make me feel any different. and all the while, nelson claims, jim rowe was stealing. like the time rowe brokered the sale of nelson s antique rifles, sold them far too cheap, and pocketed all the proceeds.
leaving the business and millionaire partner bankrupt. and for all the world knew, this shady character s name was steve heitman, evelyn s son. you feel violated. it s an invasion of privacy. and for you a sacred memory? yeah. yet evelyn heitman couldn t figure it out? why her son, why her sacred memory? and who was the man staring at her from the front page of the newspaper? a thousand miles away, a man who had also lost a son was staring at the same newspaper brought to him by a relative. and she said this sounds like the guy that scammed you out of your guns and businesses and everything. she handed me the paper. it was jim rowe. so finally, the mystery man was identified. not mike or steve or bob. but jim. jim rowe. james ruben rowe, to be exact. at long last a real name, but that was all that was real about
i said, yes. she said all of this is mine. the woman said she had only known rowe a few weeks, and she didn t think he was who he said he was. jim was away on business, he said, and all alone in that house that suddenly felt so foreign, kimberly began to realize she d only known him a few weeks herself. i just thought, what if? you know, what if? what if? so i called the navy and i asked for the s.e.a.l. team commander that he had named, that he had served under for all those years, and they never heard of him. they transferred me around to a couple of different s.e.a.l. teams in case i had the wrong team. they were very nice to me. but he didn t exist. she went stone cold. the rush through her body was fear. the man who swept her off her feet, married her and became father to her children, everything about him was a lie. i really don t know if he is someone who just deceived me for