Some theories also state that the word bunny came from baniya (the merchant community of India) and chow is a colloquial term for food in South Africa.
What Is Fufu - The Spongy Dough From Africa That s Taken Social Media By Storm
What Is Fufu - The Spongy Dough From Africa That s Taken Social Media By Storm Fufu is a dish originally from West Africa, and it has caught the fancy of social media users in the recent past. Here s what it actually is.
The West African Fufu dish is the latest food trend
Here s what the preparation entails
If there s one thing to thank the internet for, it has to be introducing us to world cuisines and food items. There are so many dishes and innovative creations across the globe that many of us were hitherto unaware of. It is thanks to food bloggers and influencers that these interesting recipes are now coming to the forefront, reviving lost food legacies and recreating culinary staples of a number of regions. In the year 2020, the frothy Dalgona coffee was one among several food trends to go viral. Originally from South Korea, the recipe went viral after a food blogger shared th