the stronger ally, who is the more pro-trump republican, and bob corker, even if he had kind of walked back some of his previous criticisms, was going to find himself in a tough position with that. kimberly atkins, the fact is that marsha blackburn has been a solid ally of the presidents and that is, in terms of, you know, primary politics, makes a big, big difference. she had, in fact, her spokeswoman had responded to corker s spokesperson suggestion that she couldn t win by saying that was the comment of a sexist pig, so she was going all in. she was, and she has been doing very well, leading up to this primary, very closely aligned to donald trump. the one thing that had senator corker reconsidering was people close to him, republicans, who are concerned that perhaps she would have difficulty in the general election, as you said her response was to call such a thing sexist. but they always said look, if she was doing well, polling well, fund-raising well, that the likelihood was