everything. when you look at the plitization of schools, you know, that just strikes me as wrong. there is a way to have civil discourse at the school board level, but you know, again, the whole education thing points glenn youngkin made i found very persuasive. it s 5:00 in new york. it became a flash point or should we say, the flash point, among voters. education and the extent to which parents should have control over what their children are learning. ultimately leading republicans just one year ago the democratic candidate for president, president biden, won by ten points. new york times reports on the phenomenon we witnessed last night, quote, with their focus on parental rights, a catch all rallying cry capturing conservative outrage over mask mandates, vaccination requirement, transgender rights and how the history of racism is
basically spend a billion dollars. mike bloomberg could spend $10 billion and still be one of the ten richest men in the world. does that make a difference? it matters in terms of picking up delegates. he ll be relevant. if it s a democratic process that s state to state, the four of us clearly would vote for him in a hot second. over trump. we also reflect one of the narrowest demographics in the united states. i don t think this is emblematic of where the united states is going. when we come back, we ll talk about the foreign policy fallout of impeachment and the plitization of the state department. stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
sox thing, too. this is something that for president trump and his white house has kind of become par for the course. and there are two big reasons why that s the case. is first is pretty obvious. donald trump is seen as very divisive, particularly in the black and latino communities and a lot of athletes come from those communities. so that s one function of that. the second is that they re seeing a renaissance of political athletes. colin kaepernick takes his knee in august of 2016 and trump is elected in november and there s been a wave of plitization among athletes since then. there s probably been an uptick under president trump. npr had this context check on this that i think is worth mentioning. in 1991 michael jordan decided to play golf rather than go with the rest of the bulls. you had another golfer who declined a meeting with president clinton referring to him as a draft dodging baby killer. one of the chicago cubs skipped a visit to the white house.
wrote this wonderful piece on cnn.com. about this. does the president really understand the fourth of july is actually not a military holiday? what kind of position does this put the military in to have them standing at one might be a political event in front of an a political armed forces. great question. first of all he doesn t understand the fourth of july is not a military holiday. we have other ones like armed forces day. veterans day and memorial day. this is the day we won independence. and declared. the founding fathers were scrutinized about not having a standing army. they were jealous about not institutionalizing it. it s a misplaced application of the military fire power tomorrow. as for your second question, the chiefs are rightly concerned about the increasing plitization of the military.
and guidelines about partisan activity while you re in uniform. there are violations of the you can held accountable for. if you participate in partisan activity. the president will bill this as a unifying event and non-partisan flt we ll see what the speech is. even if his speech is completely on script. and he doesn t get into attacking democrats or the press. even then, he is still risking the further plitization of the military pulling them into this event. which is clearly really more about his ego and appropriating the popularity of the military for his benefit. speaking of ego and one things that s a lightning rod for the president. crowd size. this is the third event of the day in washington. it got the parade earlier in the day. the capitol fourth in the evening. that has a fire works show. 39 years has been there. the president is adding this.