Split Stage Productions’ latest performance doesn’t take itself too seriously, said director Rob Jessup. The theater company, which opened in 2013, will perform the musical “Urinetown” Friday and Saturday and Feb. 8-10 at The Lamp Theatre in Irwin. The 16-person cast will tell the story of a post-apocalyptic world experiencing
Even though it’s set in the 1980s, “Footloose” has a message for today’s audiences. So says Christopher 
McAllister, executive director of Stage Right, which will present the musical Friday and Saturday at The Palace Theatre in Greensburg. The story, familiar from the 1984 movie starring Kevin Bacon and the 2011
It wasn’t in the plan for Split Stage Productions to do the musical “Kinky Boots” this season. But when the opportunity arose, it was too good to pass up. “We were actually very, very fortunate to get the rights, and it was almost accidental how it happened,” said Split Stage
If there’s a lack of ’80s rock in your life, Split Stage Productions has a remedy. The theater company will shake the walls of Irwin’s Lamp Theatre beginning Friday with a five-night run of the jukebox rock extravaganza “Rock of Ages.” First a Broadway musical and then a movie, “Rock
The thing that makes “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” so interesting for audiences also makes it challenging for the cast. “The music is everything from country-western to calypso to a pop-rock sound, and other things that go toward the classical musical theater sound,” said Christopher McAllister, executive director of