bezos of the world we make life more complicated for everyone else. i just don t get it. for sure. it stipulated people should pay the taxes they a lot of those businesses have been cast businesses for a long time for a reason this sounds like a huge headache to me. people use apps like venlo for all sorts of things including the split restaurants with their friends. it s going to matter than when they said they want to implement this is going to matter whether the peg that in the app as a business transaction or a personal transaction. by the way if you sell personal property that s generally nontaxable. if you put a couch up on craigslist some guy comes over and venom owes you 600 bucks for it, that is not supposed to be taxed. is that person going to put into his app it was a business transaction? you may end up with a form from the irs then you re going to have to call the irs and explained to them you sold a couch on the curb. kim, for those more