The very idea of a bear is a heavy thing to think about. Solitary, seldom seen, kept at a distance when spotted, looming large and imposing in both physical and metaphysical terms, intelligent, and dangerous when threatened yet yearning, perhaps, for the love lavished upon the toys sewn in its likeness a bear is
I don’t mean to say that Cameron Smith sounds like Bruce Springsteen, but the Fort Worth singer-songwriter’s new single reminds me of a few of the Boss’ biggest hits from his particularly melancholy trio of albums of the late ’70s/early ’80s. Springsteen’s “Badlands,” “The River,” and “Atlantic City” all feature
I imagine that in every local music scene, someone could make a diagram for a given geo-temporal parameter (for example, the Fort Worth of 1978) that is basically a bunch of musicians’ names with lines drawn between themselves and everyone else they played with, the lines labeled with their groups’ names. Given the
When Christian James’ mom died recently, he immersed himself into his music entirely to cope with the loss. “I knew I wouldn’t be OK without that outlet,” the Spiral Sound frontman said, “so I let it consume me, so her death wouldn’t.” After he sat with her through hospice care, watching COPD and the rest of her