alleged party-crashers at the white house. she somehow found her way on to the celebrity show celebrity rehab withdrew pinsky on vh-1 and now she s no longer with the show. apparently there was a problem, as far as we can tell. she s not addicted to anything, so that disqualifies her. go figure. seems kind of counterintuitive, okay, anyway. do we know, before i let you go, do we know what s going on in her legal case, joe? yeah. actually been following that a little bit, and they have they have had a few legal cases in fact, but the one everybody is interested in is the investigation into how she and her husband were allowed into a white house state dinner. from what we can tell this thing has been in legal limbo forever. i mean, it happened in 2009. one of the lawyers talking to a law firm just this afternoon described it as, quote, pending before the grand jury and said it s been pending for an exceptionally long time so wondering exactly what the
decision. that toughest decision i have ever had toake. i mean don t hide behind closed doors because you feel like society is not going to take it wait that they should. you have to talk about it. it s okay to cry about it. it s okay your emotions that you feel. i want thank you all for sharing your stories and allowing this conversation what is real and human in people s lives. you are so courageous. bill: directing the comment to the girls and here a memo to the dr. drew, abortion is not very safe for the fetus. joining us now is margaret hoover and gretchen carlson. look, obviously, pinsky is glorifying abortion. it s obvious to me. maybe i m reading it wrong, but his body language, the words he chooses, inflexions and all of
decision. that toughest decision i have ever had to make. i mean don t hide behind closed doors because you feel like society is not going to take it wait that they should. you have to talk about it. it s okay to cry about it. it s okay your emotions that you feel. i want thank you all for sharing your stories and allowing this conversation what is real and human in people s lives. you are so courageous. bill: directing the comment to the girls and here a memo to the dr. drew, abortion is not very safe for the fetus. joining us now is margaret hoover and gretchen carlson. look, obviously, pinsky is glorifying abortion. it s obvious to me. maybe i m reading it wrong, but his body language, the words he chooses, inflexions and all of
decision. that toughest decision i have ever had to make. i mean don t hide behind closed doors because you feel like society is not going to take it wait that they should. you have to talk about it. it s okay to cry about it. it s okay your emotions that you feel. i want thank you all for sharing your stories and allowing this conversation what is real and human in people s lives. you are so courageous. bill: directing the comment to the girls and here a memo to the dr. drew, abortion is not very safe for the fetus. joining us now is margaret hoover and gretchen carlson. look, obviously, pinsky is glorifying abortion. it s obvious to me. maybe i m reading it wrong, but his body language, the words he chooses, inflexions and all of
something really dirty just went down in washington when, in fact, it is pretty standard operating procedure. the good news is we will never get there. it s not going to pass the house, you know. you believe in nancy pelosi, has she produced in public a single no vote from last time that says i m voting yes this time? they have about nine people. can i tell you ones in public bart stupak, bill owe pinsky of chicago, a gal of the republican who voted for it. bret: down the line really quick, does it pass the house the first step. no. yeah. yes. bret: that s a large pause for charles. he didn t want to agree with me. that s right. bret: does it get through. i think it fails because of the dense foliage in the senate. the procedure is so arcane and complicated, i think it s going to get stopped there and not in the house. can i make one point? reconciliation has never been used for anything of this size