dangerous man in the world for donald trump is that mike pence is a standard issue republican president. a no drama republican president. someone who world leaders would be completely comfortable with. they ve all dealt with a version of mike pence in the presidency before. and mike pence would be a president that most republicans in the house and the senate would be more comfortable with. he s one of them. what an incompetent, incoherent president needs most is a vice president who scares people even more than the president does so that no one starts to think getting rid of the president would make anything better. but donald trump has mike pence who would be better received around the world and would be better liked and respected by congressional republicans and here is something the president does not know about his vice president. something that should make donald trump fear mike pence more than anyone else in the world. it is uniquely within mike
require a medical diagnosis. they really wanted a broad idea of whether someone can be trusted to discharge the obligations of the presidency as opposed to being, perhaps, indebted to other countries or unconnected to reality. and professor, what s clear in that appeals process that they wrote into the amendment was you can appeal this to the president who s being basically removed from power in favor of an acting president, can appeal this to the house of representatives and the congress and the congress votes, but there s no provision for any appeal beyond that in this amendment. right. i don t see how you ever, after a vote of the congress, get to take this out to a court, to the supreme court, to try to get the upcoming congress overturned. that s clear. there s no role for the court here. just as the court said that it had no role when the senate is
pence s power to take the presidency away from donald trump. the vice president has the constitutional power to do that thanks to the wisdom of the 25th amendment enacted in 1967. the 25th amendment provided for some situations that the founding fathers had not foreseen like the vacancy of the vice presidency which tragically occurred in 1963 when president kennedy was assassinated. and in the age of modern medicine, it became clear by the 1960s that we could have a president who was on some kind of protracted life support leaving no one with the constitutional authority to act as president. and so section 4 of the 25th amendment says the vice president shall become acting president, that s the title, acting president, whenever the vice president and a majority of the cabinet decide that the president is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. people have always assumed that
those concerns as donald trump press conferences continue to exhibit the symptoms that mental health officials are most concerned about. one month. we are one month in. one month into the presidency, it is supposed to be impossible to imagine impeachment. it is supposed to be impossible to imagine a vice president invoking the 25th amendment and taking over the presidency. but in the age of trump, the impossible to imagine has become history right before our eyes. it was impossible to imagine the reality tv buffoon becoming the republican nominee for president. it was impossible to imagine ever having to say the words, president trump. that was once impossible. it may be impossible for mike pence to imagine tonight using his constitutional power to
but i don t think the cabinet and the congress will get used to it and i think popular discontent with a presidency gone wild might just overtake his magical capacity to toss bubbles into the wind and keep people off balance. harvard law professor laurence tribe, thank queue for yo your invaluable guidance through this. thank you. we ll be back with the panel next. we have a question about your brokerage fees. fees? what did you have in mind? i don t know. $6.95 per trade? uhhh- and i was wondering if your brokerage offers some sort of guarantee?