today the u.s. should not expect a national peak in the omicron variant in the coming days and that the next few days will be tough telling our jake tapper the biden administration needs to focus on testing. as the president said, we certainly have more to do on testing and that s a message that s clear from the public and to his team that we need to pull every lever possible. that s why you ve seen so many additional spigots open, if you will, when it comes to testing and why that supply will continue to increase in the months ahead. an emergency medicine physician joining us me now. doctor great to see you. thanks for being here. i first want to get your assessment of this administration strategy and its response to the pandemic. have they been prioritizing things appropriately? oh, i think they were working from a place where they had a lot of things that needed to be done. i think we still need a little bit more expediency. a couple months ago we would have been working to ra
need to do on testing, and that s a message that s very clear from him to the public, to the team we need to pull every lever possible. that s why you see so many additional spigots open when it comes to testing and supply in the months ahead. we can t allow to lose sight of the bigger picture. in addition to testing, there are other tools that are so important that people are aware of. we have more therapeutics this month that are available than at any other month during the pandemic of because of early investments in treatments that were made. we have now oral and intravenous tests. we have more people vaccinated now than at any other point, more than 200 million fully vaccinated and millions more boosted. these are the tools that are going to help keep people safe. we have to make sure people know about them and double down on these tools during this omicron wave. so you just talked about how many people are fully vaccinated. george washington university professor, cnn analyst dr.
month that they order. all of these together will help us close a gap in testing and make sure that everyone does, in fact have a test who needs it. but it does seem like the state of testing is not yet acceptable. a new study out from kaiser this week showed out of almost 500 searches for at-home coronavirus tests, that online retailers just last week tests were only available 43 times. that s just 9% of the time. we re nearly two years into this pandemic. president biden has been in office for almost a full year. would you agree it s not yet at an acceptable level? well, jake, as the president said, we certainly have more we need to do on testing and that s a message that s very clear from him to the tupublic, to the tea we need to pull every lever possible. that s why you see so many additional spigots open with testing and supply in the months ahead. we can also t allow to lose sig
sunday and said testing is still a top priority. the president said we certainly have more we need to do on testing. that s a message very clear to him from the public, to his team, that we need to pull every lever possible. that s why you ve seen additional spigots open when it comes to testing. now globally eight cities in china are now reporting cases of the omicron variant. this comes less than three weeks ahead of the winter olympics. shenzhen is the latest city with a new found case. the neighborhood is on lockdown. meanwhile, after weeks of debate, the french parliament has approved a controversial vaccine bill. they have approved visiting bars, restaurants and long distance transport. negative pcr test is no longer enough. cnn has both of these stories
together right now. i think the fact that we have waited this long to actually agree that sanctions before hand, i think that that probably is gone now. injury we re too close to the point where mr. putin could make his actions known at any time. but i think there are some other things that we could be doing. part of it is to clear delineate what the impact would be to mr. putin and to russia. not only in terms of our continued support for ukrainians in their battle in terms of defensive weapons and so forth. but one more thing as well. today mr. putin is using the wealth of petroleum products to literally fund his operations. look, if we could open up our spigots again and could start to produce oil again here in the united states, bring the value, the price per barrel of oil and natural gas down, right now that s going to impact mr. putin. not only that but it would help domestically here in the united states bring the price of gas