animosity. as a result, time and again, they make race hoaxes go viral. they never correct the record when the real truth emerges. you would think by now they ve got it wrong so many times. the media would slow down and wait for the facts before jumping to conclusions on the stories. that s just it. they know better. yet, still jump to conclusions. it s deliberate. sarah, he is the latest victim of the media s lies. sarah, he is a nurse at bellevue hospital in new york. she s 6 months pregnant. earlier this week, reit went viral after she was filmed arguing with 5 teenagers over a city bike. help me, please help me. please, help me. please, help me. help. help! get off me dude. which wrong with you? help! help!. please help, help. guys, guys. you re not crying. i got on video. heh, heh, heh. not a tear came down. she apparently just finished a 12 hour shift at the hospital. normally in a situation like this, the individuals races will not matter. it appears to
but they never correct the record when the real truth emerges. you think by now they ve gotten it wrong. animosit many times the media wt slow down and wait foruld thin the facts before jumpingjumping to conclusions on these stories. but that s just itn the stor. better. they know better and yet still jump to conclusions. it s deliberate. d ofd sarah comrieel is thibere lt victim of the media s lies. sarah comres, a nurse at bellevue hospital in new york . she s six months pregnant. and earlier this week, coverage went viral after she was filmed arguing with five teenagers over a city bike over. sure, please, please, please help me. if you don t go to , you re not going to pay. no more . you took his. i m not trying to money. i do not know. no, don please. you re she s just crying. i m not crying. you re not going. i got to when you baby girl come out with you, how do you stop crying? not not to take him down. this seat apparently just finished a 12 hour shi
to tucker carlson tonight. for thousands of years clinical trials have been the center of medicine. the idea is very simple before you operate on someone reject people with some new jug trials first. to make certain that what you re doing will help the patient more than it hurts the patient. this is not a new idea they did back in the 18th century with this famous scurvy trials. five medical testing is been going on since at least biblical times is why wouldn t it. comparative vegetarian diet of the one of the royal babylonians over a ten day period to a control group and event observers the whole thing. it s not collocated. it is essential. through history very few have questioned this practice because it makes obvious sense, but now they are. modern medicine seems to be abandoning the conical trial. the fda for example does authorize a covert booster without even bothering to test it on people who just given to a handful of mice and said we are radio. i take the time to see
and welcome to tucker carlson. tonight, for thousands of yearsi ,clinicanel trials have beene be the center of medicine. and the idea is very simple. you before you operate on someow or inject people with some trias first. to make certain that w new drug, you run trials first to make certain that what you re doing will helpis is no the patient more than it hurts the patient. this is not a new idea. james lynn did it back inh the 18th century with his famous scurvy trials . in fact, medical testing hast bc been going on since at least biblical times. is why wouldbecause why wouldn , daniel, if judah compared toal l vegetarian diet with the diet td of the royal babylonians over a ten day period, we had a control group, independent observers, the whole thing. it s not complicated, but it is essential through history.oni very few have questioned this practice because it makes obviouit m sense, s sense. but now they are moderndern m medicine seemsed to be abandonig the clinica
insurrection, a insurrection which the police welcomed the insurrectionists inside the building. we thought it was funny. what we didn t note, though, last night was the moment where that airhead reporter claimed that a police officer was killed by the mob that day. now, if you watch television, you ve heard that line so many times, so many times that you may not even notice when people say it anymore. they ve been saying it constantly for nearly two years. police officers were killed. many of them. why are they saying that? it s not true. it s proofbly a lie. it s in no sense accurate. no police officer was killed by the bythe mob on january 6th. anyone who thinks so, explain who was killed, what s that officer s name and how was he killed? we don t expect takers on that offer. the question is, why do they keep telling us that? there s a reason. there s always a reason. they re telling us likely so we won t ask too many questions the next time we read about another january 6