we increased the spending on the president s priorities without adding to that number. all right. i want to ay something, this is candidate donald trump throughout the lyear. i do want a balanced budget. we owe $19 trillion, we have to start paying it down. we have to start balancing budgets. these people are talking about balancing budgets 35 years from now? we can do it, believe me, much quicker. we can do it quickly. he even made a pledge to get rid of the debt in eight years. okay, if you re going to do this, very, very quickly, nothing in this budget goes close to balance. the fact that you re just even doing neutral to what the deficit was last year is not progress. what a budget blueprint is and this is fairly traditional, chuck, for the first year of a new administration, obama did it and bush did it. what this is is a spending outline and all it is as you mentioned in the intros the discretionary spending part of the budget is only 25% of what the government spends
about. you know, we have lots of legislation that could be passed to bring about jobs, but to do things like that on an emergency basis in a very short time frame is just a way of pushing a policy agenda through, and to me, it s hostage taking. it s back to what they have been doing before. i think unemployment insurance should be extended, period, and then we should begin negotiations on any issue they want to take up. but you should not hold people s benefits hostage. people need the $300 to $400 a week to survive. this is just a very mean-spirited way to approach policy. it s not like you don t have a lot more on your plate, i want to turn to other deadlines facing congress. january 15th, lawmakers have to sign off on the detailed spending outline for the budget. obviously, got to raise the debt limit. there s always a risk of default. you have the rearly ritual of trying to pass spending bills. so, in an election year knowing
the same. we plussed up the spending and we increased the spending on the president s priorities without adding to that number. all right. i want to play something, this is candidate donald trump throughout the last year. i do want a balanced budget. we owe $19 trillion, we have to start paying it down. we have to start balancing budgets. these people are talking about balancing budgets 35 years from now? we can do it, believe me, much quicker. we can do it quickly. he even made a pledge to get rid of the debt in eight years. okay, if you re going to do this, very, very quickly, nothing in this budget goes close to balance. the fact that you re just even doing neutral to what the deficit was last year is not progress. what a budget blueprint is and this is fairly traditional, chuck, for the first year of a new administration, obama did it and bush did it. what this is is a spending outline and all it is as you mentioned in the intros the discretiony spending parof thbudget
neutral to the deficit last year isn t congress. keep in mind what a budget blueprint is and this is traditional for the first year of a new administration. obama did it, bush did it. what this is is a spending outline. all it is as you mentioned is the discretionary spending part of the budget. that s only 25% of what the government spends. the other 75% roughly is the mandatory, what some people call entitlement spending. in may we ll introduce the full budget to address the ten-year budget window, tax flows, larger policy changes, health care reforms. are you pledging a balanced budget in may? not this year but trying to get it balanced within the ten-year budget window which is what republicans in the house and senate have done. the goal is a balanced budget within ten years but that means you will add to the debt every single year in the next ten years. that s correct. it s difficult. we have been that s not what candidate trump said. he said it would be easy. does i
republicans push for an additional $100 billion in spending cuts for the current fiscal year. steve centanni is watching it all in washington and explains. republicans fighting among themselves to see who can cut the most. house speaker john boehner says he wants to see cuts immediately and he wants the white house to help. this morning i sent a letter to president obama signed by 150 economists that say that cutting spending now will help create a better environment so that we can begin to create jobs in our country. now, in later in that letter to the president, boehner says the path to prosperity comes from liberating our economy from the shackles of out of control spending and big government. we are ready to work with you to enact reforms that follow this path. while this budget is just a spending outline and will