of allergic reactions. always carried an epi-pen for emergencies. yet didn t take that to the wilderness that weekend. did that seem strange to you that he d go camping without an epipen if he was subject to this sort of thing? it seemed strange to me that we were spendin so much time talkin about bug bites. it was almost as if we were tryin to steer away from the real issue, which was a fatality crash involving his wife. reporter: it also seem strange he said that by the time the campers saw todd, he displayed no evidence of an allergic reaction. of course, lisette suder and her people interviewed mike and woody too. and they told her, as they told us, that they never forgot how strangely phony todd seemed when he arrived at their campsite that night. he was kind of kinda play-sobbing, i would say, you know? it was it was some horrible acting going on. it wasn t believable. reporter: they also wondered why, on a warm southern night, was todd dressed in several layers