The volunteers worked at Paeloko Learning Center, a Native Hawaiian education center in Waihe’e that provides hands-on learning opportunities through educational field trips, cultural workshops, and environmental restoration projects.
Schools Provide A Critical Safety Net For Kids. Can They Do That Via Zoom? - Honolulu Civil Beat
Schools Provide A Critical Safety Net For Kids. Can They Do That Via Zoom?
Youth advocates and school staff worry students are not getting the proper counseling or basic social services available in a regular school setting. Reading time: 8 minutes.
When a student shows up in class with a bruise or another possible sign of abuse, staff are required to investigate whether the student might be in harm’s way. That’s hard to do when communicating via computer.
The problems of distance learning during the coronavirus pandemic are well known by now – failing grades, poor internet access, lack of school sports. But students also have lost access to school social services that have traditionally provided a safety net especially for those struggling at home.