Finish. [inaudible] by the courts when we went too far in their minds. Were currently working in the e. U. On such a legal framework, trying to broaden that somewhat and making it somewhat similar to what you have you have in the United States. Secondly, in europe we have 28 member countries, so we have to come to unanimous decisions over anything that we plan to do. And the impact that sanctions have also repercussions on Different Countries are very different. If you talk, for example, about possible financial sanctions, germany is not particularly affected. If you talk about energy sanctions, germany is more effective. In europe we ought to have an interest if, actually, matters come to such a path that we need to go further that we have a mix of sanctions where each and every country suffers a little bit. Not you have one country suffering 100 and another country not suffering at all. In europe we have possibilities to do things, for example, were working with russia, we give them
By Ruth Nicolaus Editor’s Note: Ardith Bruce passed away June 27, 2022. Ardith Bruce has been a member and a staunch supporter of the Women’s Pro Rodeo Association for years, a world champion barrel.