the fbi. it is his exit interview, pardon me. reporter: yeah. jenna: she did a lot of reporting on this as well, catherine herridge. you mention ad speech that anwar al-awlaki gave in the pentagon. there are tidbits and meal how the whole thing was set up you will share now. reporter: it is interesting the luncheon for al-awlaki s speech at pentagon included all things, smoked ham and bacon sandwiches. as you know pork is considered unclean in the muslim religion. somebody at the pentagon made a very, very big mistake and needed muslim outreach, or, somebody wanted to send a very strong message of protest to al-awlaki. jenna? jenna: we ll let our viewers decide what they think that was. doug, thank you. reporter: you bet. jon: right now, secretary of state john kerry holding his second day of talks with his russian counterpart over how to remove and destroy syria s chemical weapons. secretary kerry made a statement just a short time ago calling the talks productive and saying