Scientists pointed the James Webb Space Telescope at a distant galaxy called CEERS 1019. They found it might be a merger of three galaxies and contains an extremely ravenous black hole.
Using the Gemini South telescope in Chile, astronomers observed the first evidence of a bloated old star absorbing an exoplanet during its death throes.
The James Webb Space Telescope has revealed Cassiopeia A, the remnant of a supernova, in exquisite new detail. Astronomers are using the image to learn more about star deaths.
Astronomers are watching an exoplanet known as Kepler-1658b whose orbit is getting ever-shorter around its waning host star. This marks the first time in history experts have observed a death-by-star unfolding.
Astronomers picked up long gamma-ray burst signals last year that, per conventional wisdom, should have indicated a massive star went supernova, but instead it produced a dimmer blast which might bear fruit on the quest for gold production in the universe.