Disclosure statement
Euan Ritchie receives funding from the Australian Research Council, the Australian Federal Government’s Bushfire Recovery Program, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, the Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, WWF and Parks Victoria. Euan Ritchie is a Director (Media Working Group) and member of the Ecological Society of Australia, and a member of the Australian Mammal Society.
Ayesha Tulloch receives funding from the Australian Research Council and the NSW Government s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. She is the Vice President of Public Policy and Outreach and co-convenes the Science Communication Chapter for the Ecological Society of Australia, and sits on Birdlife Australia s Research and Conservation Committee. She is a member of eBird Australia, the Society for conservation Biology and the University of Sydney s Charles Perkins Centre Citizen Science Node.
Disclosure statement
Ayesha Tulloch receives funding from the Australian Research Council and the NSW Government s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment. She is the Vice President of Public Policy and Outreach and co-convenes the Science Communication Chapter for the Ecological Society of Australia, and sits on Birdlife Australia s Research and Conservation Committee. She is a member of eBird Australia, the Society for conservation Biology and the University of Sydney s Charles Perkins Centre Citizen Science Node.
Elisa Bayraktarov receives funding from the Australian Government s National Environmental Science Program through the Threatened Species Recovery Hub. She is presently the Program Manager of the EcoCommons Australia Program and affiliated with eResearch Services, Digital Solutions, Griffith University.