बाकी एशिया न्यूज़: तालिबान इस समय काबुल से मात्र 150 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर मोर्चेबंदी करके बैठा हुआ है। ऐसे में अमेरिका समेत अधिकतर देश अपने दूतावास को खाली करने की तैयारी में जुट गए हैं। अमेरिका के ऐलान के बाद ब्रिटेन और कनाडा ने भी अपने राजनयिकों को निकालने के लिए स्पेशल फोर्सेज को भेजने की तैयारी की है।
Hopes ran out for finding survivors
January 5, 2021
A remarkable search and rescue effort mounted by the Norwegian police, military, geologists, health care workers and other experts “entered a new phase” Tuesday evening. Police gave up hopes of finding more survivors in last week’s catastrophic landslide in Gjerdrum, after yet another slide hit the area.
Search and rescue workers, aided by specially trained dogs, carefully go through the slide area using special military equipment to stabilize the ground. The remains of a shattered home can be seen at right. PHOTO: Forsvaret/Torbjørn Kjosvold
“We have done all we can to save lives,” local police chief Ida Melbo Øystese said at a press conference late Tuesday afternoon. “But even though we have given up hope of finding more survivors, the search is not over. We’re going into a new phase now to find those still missing.”